“So. Where’s the book?” Mills says again. “I don’t know. But I can guess who does. Between the guy I recognized and the Guild of Nod, someone picked it up. They jacked the book but something made it get complicated. The Nod worshippers might have it. My friend might have it. Shit, the werewolves might’ve picked it up if one of the slaves got uppity,” I explain. Mills rolls his eyes and one of the guards snorts. I recognize him as the guy I punched. “They’re all vampires and freaks. What difference does it make?” he mutters. “The difference is saving you the trouble of beating up another guy who doesn’t know the answer.” I shoot back. Mills is drumming his fingers across the desk. “Fine. You hit the streets and figure it out. I’m gonna have two men following you at all times. As soon as you figure out where the damn book is, you call me and let us take over. You’re not off the hook but it might make things a bit more favorable between us,” Mills explains. “No way. Any meat following me is either going to get slurped or label me as trouble. These guys aren’t dumb, they’re used to staying underground and I’m far from full proof. Tender face and all that,” I say while pointing to my mortal cheek. It gets quiet in the office as Mills thinks it over. I can hear the clock ticking. I think about asking him for some cash for smokes and a bottle, but then again I can take the time to mourn later. “Fine. We’ll try it your way, but don’t think I don’t have ways of finding you. Just one thing Shade. Why are you doing all this?” he finally asks. Ah, the big question. The one I didn’t have much of an answer to until just a few hours ago. I thought about telling him what happened to the kid. But it would’ve just made extra heat. “It was this or the noose. It makes the time in-between a little more interesting,” I reply. His eyes narrow at the sarcasm and I can tell he was hoping for something that would explain more. He hands me back my gun. “Any idea what happened to the kid?” Mills asks. “Not a clue. Maybe he went back to Kansas to ask the pastor to cure him. It’s nice to think so,” I reply.
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