Friday, January 18, 2008

Blessed Gunfire

The first thing that popped into my head was that everything is a lie. The second thing that popped into my head was that I had not known I was lying when I told it. So what does that make it? The third…I’m not sure. I think someone hit me by that point. Sunshine screamed, literally screamed, “What the fuck are you doing?” at Malvolio. He, in his part, seemed eager to point out the possible part I had played. A Templar smashed me across the face and grabbed my arm. There was a fucking informant. The kid had followed them behind the alley. “Why would I bother to lie about a heathen book to you, of all people? There is no science here! There is no logic! The Word of Nod speaks of such texts, yet you do not acknowledge his wisdom. What do I have to hide from scum like you?” Malvolio shouted. The Templars rushed Sunshine but his vampire reflexes were as sharp as ever. The gun fired. The bullet didn’t hit the intended target but the Templar it connected with dropped to the floor with a disturbing thud to everyone except me. The kid had texted me for help. He followed the informant. He sees them with Dingo, arguing over the book. And for whatever fucking reason, he intervenes. Maybe the Book just had a way of bringing that out in people. The gun doesn’t stay in Sunshine’s hand long as Malvolio smashes it across the floor. The Templars should have no trouble getting the drop on a one armed vampire. The Templar holding my arm slackens his grip as he moves to join into the fray. “HEATHEN! I SMITE THEE!” shouts Malvolio. It would’ve been convincing, but the window exploding behind him with gunfire took a lot of the steam away. I drop to the floor and start crawling towards the door as a squad of Paladins on cables rappelled into the room, guns blazing. I have to admit, I didn’t think there name was so stupid anymore. The vampires hardly stood a chance against the waves of blessed bullets criss-crossing the room. This wasn’t over yet for me though. As I rolled myself out the door, I saw Sunshine clutching at his chest while blood pooled out across his clothes as he was forced to die. Our eyes met. I got the impression he didn’t want me to see him like that.

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